The Clash of Clans clan war has just launched and heres our guide to help you trought the battles!
The basics
First phase: Preparation day
Another important thing for the clan war is that you should not cancel any buildings that is about to upgrade. Your base will be cloned into the clan war and buildings that are under construction will work as the normal inside the clan war – as the highest completed level. Example: Your mortar is upgrading to level 6 and is complete in 12 hours. If the clan war start in 2 hours, the morter will work as normal as a level 5 mortar during the battles. Another thing thats important is that your base will not generate resources inside the clan war, so dont mind the gold mines and elixirs gatherer to much. Your traps will also be reloaded automaticly during the clan war.
Second phase: Battle day
When the preparation day is over, the battle day begin. Each player can attack twice, and each player can be attacked twice. You can not attack the same player twice yourself. The goal is to gather as much stars as possible, and they are served as in normal games: 1 star for the town hall, 1 star for 50% elimination and 1 star for 100% elimination. You should therefor attack the bases your able to beat – and of course the bases you can get the most stars from.
You will be able to see replays of all the attacks made during the battle day. You should watch replays to consider which base to attack. If someone attacked the base your planned to attack, before you – you can watch the replay to see where the traps are hidden and what units the player has in his clan castle.
The winning clan get the battle bonus. The losing clan also get some resources, but alot less than the winner team.
[alert-note]If you want a complete Clash of Clans guide which cover all of the game, I suggest you to check out this guide. It cost some dollars, but will help you alot and be a time-saver in the long run.[/alert-note]
Learn everything you need to know about clan wars (video)
BAM farming strategy
The BAM farming strategy is used to farm loads of resources in short time. It’s similar to the Barb/Archer strategy, but this setup also includes Minions. It’s an amazing way to farm loads of resources in short time.
A easy way to create the attack troop fast is:
- 2 barracks trains Archers
- 2 barracks trains Barbarians
- Dark barracks train minions
You can also add Wall Breakers to the BAM farming setup, and you can also replace some of the Barbarians with Giants, but remember that it will take longer time to create and that they cost more elixir.
The idea of this setup is to distract defensive buildings with Barbarians and Archers and then send in Minions.
You should draw Barbarians in a ring around the base, then rings of Archers. Then you should find a good spot for the Minions and send them in. A good place would be away from the Air
Some prefer to use this setup together with a Healing ring and Rage rings. Consider to use the Healing ring close to Air Defence or Wizard Towers and the Rage spell when your minions are in middleo f their base, so that your sure you will get everything they have.
Strenght and weaknesses
The strenght of this setup is that you can do attacks very often and farm alot of resources in short time. The setup is quite strong. Because the setup only require cheap units and that we use all barracks speeds the creation time up alot.
The weakness of BAM strategy is Air Defence and Wizard Towers. To counter them you should consider using Healing ring or take the Air Defence and Wizard Towers out with your Barbarian and Archers.
Which bases to attack
Alot of people farm 1.000.000 resources each hour by using the BAM strategy. You should look for bases that has atleast 100.000+ resources stored.
Easy bases to attack are these who lines up their gold mines and elixir pumps close to the outer walls.
You should also look for bases that has the Air Defence and Wizard Towers in a bad positions so you can take them out quick. Preferable with groups of Archers and Barbarians. Dont send all into splash damage, send them in waves to prevent damaging you whole troop at once.
[alert-note]If you want a complete Clash of Clans guide which cover all of the game, I suggest you to check out this guide. It cost some dollars, but will help you alot and be a time-saver in the long run.[/alert-note]
Videos about the BAM Farming Strategy
#1 A video guide going trought the BAM Farming Strategy [youtube id=”5UC172GBtuA” width=”600″ height=”350″ autoplay=”no”]
#2 BAM Strategy vs. Town Hall 9. Profit: 200k gold / 135k elixir / 1300 Dark Elixir[youtube id=”8mj9cNf9Vhg” width=”600″ height=”350″ autoplay=”no”]
If you have anything to add or got any questions: just shout out in the comment field. Thanks for reading!
Town Hall level 8
Town hall 8 farming base
Let’s take a look at what buildings you can make at Town Hall level 8.
Defensive buildings:
- 5 cannons (up to level 10)
- 5 archer towers (up to level 10)
- 3 mortars (up to level 6)
- 3 wizard towers (up to level 6)
- 3 air defense (up to level 6)
- 3 hidden teslas (up to level 3)
- 6 spring traps, 3 giant bomb, 6 bombs
- 225 walls (up to level 8)
- 6 gold mines (up to level 11)
- 6 elixir collectors (up to level 11)
- 1 dark elixir drill (up to level 3)
- 3 gold storage (up to level 11)
- 3 elixir storage (up to level 11)
- 1 dark elixir storage (up to level 4)
Offensive buildings:
- 4 Army camps (up to level 6)
- 4 Barracks (up to level 10)
- 2 dark barracks (up to level 4)
- 1 spell factory (up to level 3)
- 1 clan castle (up to level 4)
- 1 Laboratory (up to level 6)
[alert-note]If you want a complete Clash of Clans guide which cover all of the game, I suggest you to check out this guide. It cost some dollars, but will help you alot and be a time-saver in the long run.[/alert-note]
The best level 8 base setup
Here’s some good base setups for town hall level 8
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Live Action Movie Trailer
A funny Clash of Clan trailer created by Bellpond Films.
Clash of Clans Commercial
Here’s the official Clash of Clans commercial by Supercell. It’s a great trailer! What do you think?
Town Hall level 7
Let’s take a look at what buildings you can make at Town Hall level 7.
Defensive buildings:
- 5 cannons (up to level 8)
- 4 archer towers (up to level 8)
- 3 mortars (up to level 5)
- 2 wizard towers (up to level 4)
- 2 air defense (up to level 5)
- 2 hidden teslas (up to level 3)
- 4 spring traps, 2 giant bomb, 6 bombs
- 175 walls (up to level 7)
- 6 gold mines (up to level 11)
- 6 elixir collectors (up to level 11)
- 2 gold storage (up to level 11)
- 2 elixir storage (up to level 11)
- 1 dark elixir storage (up to level 2)
Offensive buildings:
- 4 Army camps (up to level 6)
- 4 Barracks (up to level 9)
- 1 spell factory (up to level 3)
- 1 clan castle (up to level 3)
- 1 Laboratory (up to level 5)
[alert-note]If you want a complete Clash of Clans guide which cover all of the game, I suggest you to check out this guide. It cost some dollars, but will help you alot and be a time-saver in the long run.[/alert-note]
The best level 7 base setup
Here’s some good base setups for town hall level 7
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#3 Farm base
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Town Hall level 6
Let’s take a look at what buildings you can make at Town Hall level 6.
Defensive buildings:
- 3 cannons (up to level 7)
- 3 archer towers (up to level 7)
- 2 mortars (up to level 4)
- 2 wizard towers (up to level 3)
- 1 air defense (up to level 4)
- 4 spring traps, 1 giant bomb, 4 bombs
- 125 walls
- 6 gold mines (up to level 10)
- 6 elixir collectors (up to level 10)
- 2 gold storage (up to level 10)
- 2 elixir storage (up to level 10)
Offensive buildings:
- 3 Army camps (up to level 5)
- 3 Barracks (up to level 7)
- 1 spell factory
- 1 clan castle (up to level 3)
- 1 Laboratory (up to level 3)
[alert-note]If you want a complete Clash of Clans guide which cover all of the game, I suggest you to check out this guide. It cost some dollars, but will help you alot and be a time-saver in the long run.[/alert-note]
The best level 6 base setup
Here’s some good base setups for town hall level 6.
The walls in Clash of Clans (Supercell) is an important part of protecting your village. The walls will withstand alot of damage, while defensive-buildings will slaughter the enemy troops. The use of the walls will vary, depending on how you choose to place them around your base. In this guide we will look at some key points that is good to have in mind while you design your base. To get inspiration, you can check out our best base setups.
Defensive tips
- Don’t leave open gaps! Troops will automaticly go there
- EXCEPTION: You can drag troops towards traps by placing them inside gaps.
- Closing walls into a tree, stone or buildings is a common mistake. It doesn’t work!
- Create small cells inside your village. The enemy will have to break multiple walls! Check our Base Setups / designs for inspiration.
- Building that its a must to have behind a wall: Defensive buildings, gold/elixir storages
- Consider if you should protect the resource buildings. If you play alot and empty them often, it might not be needed!
- If you dont mind the trophies to much, its a brilliant idea to leave the Town Hall outsie the walls. It will give you a free shield when the enemy only destroy that building.
- Buildings like the army camp, barracks, laboratory, etc. should be left outside the wall. The enemy will use time on destroying them.
Offensive tips
- Look for gaps and walls that has lower level.
- Look for bad placed buildings and open slots behind the walls. But be carefully, open spots might mean a trap!
- Attack the walls that are out of range of defensive-buildings.
- Remember to use Wall Breakers, they do 40 times more damage to walls!
Level | Price | Hitpoints | TH level |
1 | 200 | 300 | 2 |
2 | 1.000 | 500 | 2 |
3 | 5.000 | 700 | 3 |
4 | 10.000 | 900 | 4 |
5 | 30.000 | 1.400 | 5 |
6 | 75.000 | 2.000 | 6 |
7 | 200.000 | 2.500 | 7 |
8 | 500.000 | 3.000 | 8 |
9 | 1.000.000 | 4.000 | 9 |
10 | 3.000.000 | 5.500 | 9 |
11 | 4.000.000 | 7.000 | 10 |
[alert-note]If you want a complete Clash of Clans guide which cover all of the game, I suggest you to check out this guide. It cost some dollars, but will help you alot and be a time-saver in the long run.[/alert-note]
Clash of Clans Cheats
There are plenty of sites out there offering Clash of Clans cheats, unlimited resources, gold and offcourse, what we all want… unlimited gems! Have you been looking for it aswell? When, finally you`re about to find the answer!
The sites are offering a Clash of Clans cheat. They want you to download a little program and they will tell you that you will get loads of resources and unlimited gems by logging into it!
Some other sites has open discussions about how to manipulate the game with programs like iFile.
But are you ready for it? The real Clash of Clans Cheat?
To get gems in Clash of Clans without buying them, will require you to manipulate the calculations in the game. But the fact that most or even all calculations in Clash of clans are done server-side, means that your phone dont do much of the job except reciving the ANSWERS from the calculations and showit it to you by graphics.
That means… You dont have access to the server-side and therefor you can not manipulate, cheat or get free gems in Clash of Clans.
So be carefully! There are loads of sites out there spreading Clash of Clans Cheats, that will infact harm you. What most in fact are doing, is spreading viruses. Do never ever enter your App Store or Play Store username and password in these program and sites!
What you can do…
While there’s close to impossible to get free gems with a Clash of clans Cheat, you can use easy strategies to farm resources
Check out our BAM and Barb/Archer strategy and learn how you can farm millions of resources in hours. You dont need an cheat or to spend real money to improve your base by far!
[alert-note]If you want a complete Clash of Clans guide which cover all of the game, I suggest you to check out this guide. It cost some dollars, but will help you alot and be a time-saver in the long run.[/alert-note]
Clash of Clans Hack
There are plentyof sites out there offering Clash of Clans Hack, unlimited resources, gold and offcourse, what we all want… Unlimited gems! Have you been looking for it aswell? When, finally your about to find the answer!
The sites are offering Clash of Clans Hack. They want you to download a little program and they will tell you that you will get loads of resources and unlimited gems by logging into it!
Some other sites has open discussions about how to manipulate the game with programs like iFile.
But are you ready for it? The real Clash of Clans Hack?
To hack gems in Clash of Clans without buying them, will require you to manipulate the calculations in the game. But the fact that most or even all calculations in Clash of clans are done server-side, means that your phone dont do much of the job except reciving the ANSWERS from the calculations and showit it to you by graphics.
That means… You dont have access to the server-side and therefor you can not manipulate, hack or get free gems in Clash of Clans.
So be carefully! There are loads of sites out there spreading Clash of Clans hack, that will infact harm you. What most in fact are doing, is spreading viruses. Do never ever enter your App Store or Play Store username and password in these program and sites!
What you can do…
While there’s close to impossible to get free gems with a Clash of clans hack, you can use easy strategies to farm resources
Check out our BAM and Barb/Archer strategy and learn how you can farm millions of resources in hours. You dont need an hack or to spend real money to improve your base by far!
[alert-note]If you want a complete Clash of Clans guide which cover all of the game, I suggest you to check out this guide. It cost some dollars, but will help you alot and be a time-saver in the long run.[/alert-note]